Saturday, December 18, 2010

Helping Us Get Healthy at Beaumont

Coordinator Women Exercising to Live Longer (WELL), Megan Donnelly
The American Heart Association's Go Red for Women "My Life Check Challenge Makeover" moved into its second phase for me with the wonderful staff at Beaumont Hospital and the Ministrelli Women's Heart Center. Almost a third of women die of heart disease and this deadly serious issue is addressed with such dedication at Beaumont. Today I went for my seven non-invasive tests to assess my situation (which they offer at for only $70).  I'll get my results soon, but it seems as though for me cholesterol is my greatest concern. Dr. Chinnaiyan and her team will help me with diet, exercise and stress. The doctor says stress reduction is imperative to health. This is so true, but so often left out of people's regimens. The holidays are so stressful for everyone and I am no exception. Like many of you, I am spinning extra plates right now and can't wait to learn and share stress reduction techniques. Of course, exercise is a great stress-reducer too! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you and welcome your comments!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Healthier for a Happier New Year

Today I had the honor of meeting some incredible women: health professionals, volunteers for the American Heart Association and other participants in the Go Red For Women "My Life Check Makeover Challenge".  Having worked with the American Heart Association before, I know how dedicated they are to stopping Heart Disease. It's the number one killer of women... but so much of it is within our control to stop or slow down. This morning we gathered at St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital to meet the amazing Dr. Crawford and some of her colleagues. Next week I'll get to meet a second group at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak.

The other participants and I with Dr. Crawford (Hand over the Heart!)

Both hospitals, along with the American Heart Association of Southeast Michigan, are supplying experts in Heart Health, Diet and Exercise to whip us into shape. We all face similar challenges, but the big monster in my closet is cholesterol. It's very high and I'm going to have a go at bringing it down with diet and exercise before doing medication.  In the end, medication may be necessary--but let's just see how far I can take it. I'll keep you posted on my progress here and on the American Heart Association's blog. (I'll share that with you soon!). In the meantime, if you want to see how you're doing with your health, check out what the AHA calls the simple 7 - Get Active, Manage Blood Pressure, Control Cholesterol, Eat Better, Lose Weight, Reduce Blood Sugar and Stop Smoking. You'll answer a few questions and get your score

Here's to a healthier 2011!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Instant Optimism: Challenges

"When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out."  ~ David Weatherford

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Instant Optimism: Giving Thanks!

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.  ~Meister Eckhart

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Candle That Brings Hope

Some drop out, some age out of foster care, others fall to addictions that catapult them to a life on the streets. If you think being  homeless would be hard for the mature, put yourself it the place of one of the 5000 youths in Michigan who will walk the cold streets alone tonight: no food, no shelter, no hope. 5000! Each with hopes and dreams. Each God's creation!

Suppose you see a brother or sister who needs food or clothing, and you say, "Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat well" -- but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? James 2: 15-16 NLT

 This Thursday you can step up and help.  I hope you'll join my friends at Covenant House Michigan for their 13th Annual Candlelight Vigil. You'll be joining with some very inspiring individuals: residents, staff and supporters -- as they light candles of hope. And hope is so powerful! But even more than hope, Covenant House Michigan takes action by serving these youngsters with not only a warm bed and hot meals-- but education, job training and compassion.  In addition to an inspiring evening of singing, praying and listening to powerful speakers and testimonies, you can also have some fun and great food at the Afterglow at Bookies Bar & Grille! And, get this, Detroit 187's Erin Cummings will be there to lend her support!

“We host this vigil every year to make sure these precious children, who have been failed by those who are supposed to care for them, are not forgotten,” said Sam Joseph, Executive Director, CHM. “As kids continue to fall through the cracks of our society, it is our intent and hope that this vigil will shed light on the overall issue of youth homelessness and make sure these children are not forgotten.”

Thursday, November 18, 2010
6:00 pm – Program
7:00 pm – Candlelight Vigil
9:00 pm – Afterglow Benefit, Bookies Bar & Grille 2208 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48201
$10 Cover includes food, music, drink specials, raffles and prizes.

CHM Main Campus, 959 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208


Testimonies by current and past CHM residents who will share their first-hand experiences about being Homeless and how they are now on a road to success. Keynote Speaker, Leslie Murphy, President and CEO, Murphy Consulting and Committee Member, United Way Women’s Initiative. Tours of CHM’s campus offered following program.

CHM will be accepting hats and gloves, toiletries and monetary donations at the event. These donations will assist CHM in providing crucial services such as shelter, food, clothing, counseling, transitional living, health services and education, vocational training to homeless, runaway and at-risk youth less than 22 years of age.

Where to get more info:
(313) 463-2005 or visit

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembering Our Vets!

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
- Elmer Davis 


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Instant Optimism: 10/28/10

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're doing right now and do it."--William Durant

Monday, October 25, 2010

Instant Optimism

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Embrace Change!


"Sometimes in the winds of change, we find our true direction."

Are you stressing about a change in your life -- or perhaps just the uncertainty that living in this day and age with this economy brings? Many times changes are good, even though we may never have chosen them for ourselves. Also remember that ultimately, God is in control.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

No, I have not arrived

In looking for a good quote to post on my Facebook page on my birthday I came across this one a few days back:  "Success is not arriving at the summit of a mountain as a final destination. It is a continuing upward spiral of progress.  It is perpetual growth." - Wilfred A. Peterson.  It also reminded me of the song "The Climb"...yes I AM quoting a Miley Cyrus tune. Now that's deep!  As you may know, the song also talks about the benefits of striving toward--as opposed to reaching--your destination. 

Now, don't get me wrong, there's great satisfaction in reaching goals. It's hard to be successful without setting goals and achieving some victories.  Focusing solely on getting there may be a mistake, because we then miss so much of life. I would argue most of it, since it seems we are always trying to reach a goal of some kind-or get to that next level. I remember back a few years ago when a colleague of mine asked me what was "next" for me. At the time I had a great job, not at the top of my profession...but a good one and one that allowed me time with my family. She added, "it's not like you've arrived." I remember thinking "arrived where?" I guess arrival is in the eyes of the beholder.

'Having Arrived" or not, the journey is indeed so rich. Whether it's a journey of career success, relationship growth, spiritual or emotional maturity--whatever the case may be--may you enjoy your journey and those on it with you.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Need a Reason To Succeed?

"Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to do, when all they need is one reason why they can."--Willis Whitney

What's your reason?

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Biggest Obstacle to Your Success


"The Greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it" -Moliere


“History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.” Unknown Author


 “Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.” -E. Joseph Cossman

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life... as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”- Booker T. Washington

Obstacles. Sometimes they are obvious: lack of money or resources, a disability or illness, having no support system, having no job or no education.  Addressing these is a blog for another day, today I want to talk about the obstacles that don't really exist. Ah, but they are so very real. They are the ones in your mind.  They are the ones someone told you existed or you created yourself. You know the kind: you are not smart enough, you are too old (or too young) to do that, no one has ever been able to do that--what makes you think you can. You can fill in the blank with your own.

These are the kind of obstacles that can be tough to overcome, especially if you have believed they existed for a long time. These are the kind of obstacles that tend to get bigger all the time. They have often been built up like a big wall--brick by brick.  Maybe they started with one comment by a parent or friend and got piled on by your own feelings of insecurity. Then perhaps a coworker added another layer, followed by your spouse and so on and so on.  Most times people who are adding to your wall have no idea and certainly wish you no harm--in fact they may think they are helping you.

So be honest with yourself, is there an imaginary obstacle wall holding you back. If you're lucky, you can just get mad, knock it down and move forward.  Or, you may need to disassemble it brick by brick. Either way, you must knock it down to move forward. And you can do it.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Moderation is technology too!

What are you doing right now as you read this blog? There's a decent chance you have your email, Facebook or Twitter going--(minimized on your computer or maybe on your iphone or Blackberry)... perhaps you're texting or talking on your phone. There's a better than average chance that you are listening to (and/or "watching") music--on You Tube, Pandora or streaming your  favorite radio station. The possibilities of "tech-tivities" are seemingly endless. So, are you accomplishing a lot or just being distracted? I came across an interesting article on the New York Times website on the potential "hazards" of technology overindulgence--and the multitasking anywhere anytime it creates-- called Your Brain on Computers .  It's a very interesting read. I should issue a warning to my other short attention-spanned friends, it is a little long...but very intriguing. Basically it says that not only can all this technology and multi-tasking hurt our ability to focus, threaten our relationships and distract us from important responsibilities, but it can have lasting effects on the way our brain functions.  Gasp! 

But wait...don't log out just yet (lol). As dramatic as that sounds, the flip side is that--used in moderation--of course technology makes things so much more convenient and accessible. I'm sure you can site numerous examples in your life. Personally, I've started wondering how I accomplished anything before I had "an app for that" on my iphone.  I mean, I can organize my grocery list, find a Starbucks and stay connected to my business contacts so I am not chained to my home office and studio. I can take cool pics of my son, pets or something interesting and send them anywhere instantly. I can tweet in the grocery store line or catch up with friends on Facebook while my son takes his piano lesson. I can text my husband notes and pictures while he's at work (I'm sure his boss appreciates that!). I should note, I do not text and drive! Well, anyway, you get the point.  Just like food, shopping and many other things, technology can be addicting and hazardous...but used in moderation....well, for me it's like downloading a free "happiness app". :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Covenant: Kids off the streets and filled with hope!

Delano's mom died when he was just 11. After living with his stepfather and then some relatives for a time, young Delano found himself on the street. He was just one of the over 5000 Michigan youths that sleep on the street on any given night. Yes 5000 in Michigan a night! For Delano now; however, thanks to Covenant House Michigan, not only is he off the streets-- but he assists Stephanie Taylor (they're pictured together below) in the Street Outreach Program to help get other kids get to a safe place and where they can get all the tools they need for a positive and productive future.

A visit to Covenant House in Detroit for my husband and I was emotional and inspiring. It's not hard to miss the compassion on the part of the staff and the inpiration all around, including scripture verses on the wall.  We met Anthony (center in the blue t-shrit), who after being a homeless youth himself, is now a vibrant and approachable young man who volunteers his time along with the other dedicated staff. We heard many stories of youth rescued from hopelessness: some escaping abuse or neglect, some abandoned, some aged out of the foster care system. But (as is Covenant House's Mission), all of God's children deserve unconditional love, respect and hope and they are given it there. Their vivacious Marketing Director, Melissa Golpe showed us around the the campus where the youth is housed, fed, educated and loved. She introduced us to a special group of kids who you see below. Once on the street, with Covenant House's assistance, they are all working hard to make their dreams come true.

Left to Right: Melissa--Covenant's marketing maven, Jonathan-- a WC3 Student and percussionist who wants to be a music teacher, Robyn-- who works at AMC Theatres now and is a future Interior Designer, Danielle- a business student who is currently getting a patent on a new kind of home key pad that (like your car key fob) will get you into your house (watch out Bill Gates!) and Lyiondra--a Nutrition major at Wayne State who is going to be a dermatologist.  Not long ago, these kids were homeless. Now, thanks to Covenant House, their lives have turned around and they are ready to change the world!

I hope you can support Covenant House and attend an incredible, once in a lifetime benefit May 25 at the Gem and Century Theatres. "A Night of Broadway Stars" features some of Broadway's biggest stars recreating their roles onstage...and a special performance by the Covenant House Youth! Check out this video for a glimpse of the evening Night of Broadway Stars Promo Video

Call 313-463-2005 or go to
And if you know someone who is in need of help, there is an easy to remember toll-free crisis line at 800-999-9999 (the Covenant House Nine Line). 
Please support Covenant House, it could be your neighbor, friend or your child on the street someday...and (as their flyer says) anything you can do helps, so: donate, volunteer, advocate or pray!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two Things You Can Do to Increase Your Happiness

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

This is one of those great quotes that reminds us to do what our moms always told us to do, "count our blessings." It is human nature to quickly become unsatisfied with what we have and to always want more. If that means going out and bettering ourselves, then fine...but often it seems to just make us unsettled. Sometimes you'll hear someone say, "I'll be happy when (fill in the blank), I get married, I have kids, I get a new job, finish school, my kids are grown, I lose weight, I make more money -- and on and on.

But as the Daughtry song says, "what about now"? What do you really appreciate in your life? What makes you happy? Do you savor those times? Maybe it's just spending time with your family or that someone special, could be getting together with great friends, going somewhere new (across town or across the world), taking on a new challenge at work, participating in a club, your church, having a hobby, playing a sport, playing an instrument, going on a hike, climbing a mountain...or just reading a great book...where ever and what ever those happy times mean for you. So, that's #1--doing more of those things you love and appreciating all that you have. What about #2?

Well, now that we've counted our blessings, let's remember NOT to count those "imperfections" (otherwise known as annoyances or offenses). Did you have to wait in line a a grocery store, get caught behind a slow driver on the freeway, have to deal with a rude co-worker? Every day, there are many opportunities for things and people to steal our joy.  The more we can blow these things off, the happier we can stay. That takes practice and patience, which brings me to another one of those mom classics: "patience is a virtue".

Of course, no one is happy all the time--that might be a little weird, but if we keep these things in mind, we can increase our happiness. Who doesn't want that? And to quote another great song...don't happy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Show your love to hurting families!

Mothers Day is a special day, but something most of us take for granted. A gift for mom, maybe a nice lunch...and I've noticed Mothers Day is right up there with Christmas and Easter for church attendance. Admittedly it can also be a hard day for those of us who have lost our mom. Mine has been gone 16 years now, but I still get to experience it from the other angle: with my son.  It's from that angle the the ladies of Solstice Design are lending their hand again this year on Mother's Day. With Project Mothers Day, they are intervening for a special group of women. Women who wouldn't ordinarily have a chance to experience the joy of that wonderful day that honors moms--women in domestic violence shelters. Solstice's Sherry Duquet and Sandy Boulton are donating their unique and exquisite handcrafted jewelry pieces to shelters all over the country. These necklaces go to the kids as their gift to mom, so it's an important moment for the children too. Imagine the little faces lighting up when they can present mom with such an astounding gift.  And the necklaces all have great meaning for the women. This year's is called "Inner Strength"
You can purchase one as well for your mom, your wife,  yourself or any special woman in your life and proceeds will benefit the cause. Solstice wants to make 500 of these necklaces this year for little hands to give their moms.  You can support them by buying a necklace, by making a donation (even $1 helps), or if you are in the Detroit area, please come to their Champagne and Chocolate Fundraiser on March 24 at Dearborn Hills Golf Course. mmmm... Chocolate...and champagne, plus prizes, drink specials, a jewelry trunk show and more! Tickets are very reasonable at $20.  Find out more about it and everything else regarding Project Mothers Day at  

Project Mothers Day's goal is to nurture domestic violence survivors...and their precious little ones. I hope you have a chance to find out more about this great cause and maybe even get involved!
It will truly mean so very much to these families!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Stress Reliever: It only takes a few minutes to have some fun or learn something new!

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." Ellen Parr...

This quote popped up on my google page earlier today. It really struck me because it was right after my son's friend had gone home and he announced to me that he was now officially bored.  Bored, huh?  It was a great time to suggest finishing homework or practicing piano.

I suspect most adults don't struggle with being bored. Sure, there are exceptions and it does happen at different times in peoples lives...but most folks I know wish they "had the time" to be bored.  Yup, multitasking seems to be the rule. So we corral all those tasks into a manageable and productive schedule, keep our cool and for gosh sakes maintain a positive attitude.  Phew!  But what about making the time to be "curious" about something -- even if it's only for a few minutes.

All the information available to us 24/7 on the web is a double-edged sword. It can definitely be overwhelming, but it can also be very interesting, useful or just plain fun! Today is President's Day and a good friend of mine started a discussion on Facebook about an obscure chief executive, Martin Van Buren. Did you know he was only 5'6, his dad owned a bar and he's a dead ringer for actor Ed Asner...


What's my point here? The few minutes my friend took to look this stuff up and share it brightened many people's day...and go figure.  I mean, come on...Martin Van Buren?! So have some fun, learn something, share something. Hit the google button...or bing or yahoo. Then share it on Facebook, Twitter, email...or oh--how about with someone in your home or office. Many thanks for my friend George Moore for the Van Buren info...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting serious about your health by going "RED"

One of the things we've been talking about for the New Year is self discipline, right? So many people are trying to apply that discipline to do better with diet and exercise. But it's not all for vanity's sake, it's for health. And if I may speak to the ladies for a moment, Heart Disease, the #1 killer of women in this country can be greatly reduced by our diet and exercise. That's the message from the American Heart Association with their "Go Red for Women" campaign! The first week of February marks an entire week of awareness of women's health and heart...and celebrations! Check out this list for the Detroit Area:

  • Monday, Feb. 1,
6 pm
Go Red Pamper Party & Jewel Kade Showcase
Gjeto's Salon & Day Spa
  • Wednesday, Feb. 3, 7 pm
Zumba for Heart
Body Language, 1567 Union Lake Rd
  • Thursday, Feb. 4, 5:30 pm 
Celebrity Guest Griller Event
BD's Mongolian Grill, Canton location
  • Friday, Feb. 5, 11 am 
Heart Health Luncheon & Fashion Show
U of M Dearborn
  • Friday, Feb. 5, 6:30 pm 
Go Red Girlfriend's Cooking Class
Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital

AND, on Saturday February 6, join me and my girlfriends Melissa, Alicia and other great ladies from the American Heart Association as we try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by making the world's largest red dress at Macy's in the Oakland Mall. Check out last year's event in the picture that's a big dress!

Plus, it's a casting call and YOU could be the next spokesperson for the AHA!, Here's the deal:
Go Red For Women is looking for women to share their heart stories and the choices they make to live a heart-healthy lifestyle, empowering others by example. Women who share their stories have the chance to become a spokesperson for the cause - representing Go Red For Women in marketing materials, at events, on and possibly in a national television special about women and heart disease.Will it be you? Can't wait to see you at Oakland Mall in Troy on Saturday, February 6 from 1-3pm!

Oh yea...and here's something everyone can do whether or not you want to participate in any of the events--and no matter where you live: on Friday, February 5 -- just wear red...and pass the word on to your girlfriends! It's National Wear Red Day and we're going to raise awareness and empower women to fight for healthier lifestyles for themselves and their families! You may want to make it a group or workplace affair so if your company or group is interested in participating in 2010 Wear Red Day, please contact Don't forget too that you can get lots of information, inspiring stories and practical tips on getting healthy (and keeping those resolutions!) at ! You'll also be able to find listings for events going on all over the country!  So let's Go Red, get healthy and beat Heart Disease!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Online Inspiration: What's your story?

Have you ever had a great idea that you never got around to? I have. I'm glad Toni Reece, one of founders of  the "Get Inspired Project", acted on hers. "The Project just came about because there’s so many people — as we have been finding out every day with the people we’re talking to — there are many, many people out there that are doing some amazing things and that are inspiring people with the grandest of gestures to the smallest of gestures," she said. Of course, it also came about because of Toni and her colleagues' hard work and dedication.  I had the honor of talking to her and being included on the website:  Day 101: Sandy Kovach

Toni is a personal and business coach in addition to putting together this website with stories of some very interesting people: cancer survivors, authors, business leaders, moms and on and on. She's on the look out for great stories...maybe yours...maybe someone you know.  I encourage you to check out the site--and thanks Toni and the "Get Inspired Project" for all you're doing to inspire us!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Oh yes you can!

“People become really quite remarkable when they start
thinking that they can do things. When they believe in
themselves, they have the first secret of success."
— Norman Vincent Peale

Happy New Year! How are those resolutions? Last blog I talked about the one thing you need to keep them -- self discipline. Self discipline: a cringe-worthy term indeed! But why is it we so often have trouble with that? For many of us, it may be that we fail before we even start! How? By not believing that we can actually accomplish what we set out to achieve. Check out this popular and funny New Year's Quote by Mark Twain: "New Year's Day… now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual."  Twain, playing on the saying about the road there is paved with good intentions, kind of sums up what usually happens to our resolutions. But maybe that's because we go into it assuming yet another failure.

To accomplish anything we must first believe we can. Does it guarantee success? Not necessarily, the belief that we can do something usually needs to be followed by real action steps and sometimes even painful choices. However, not to fully believe we can accomplish a goal—or a New Year’s resolution—will pretty much guarantee a failure. And here’s the thing: while others can definitely encourage us, it comes down to an absolute resolve in our own minds and a decision that what we seek to accomplish MUST happen. We have to look at our obstacles “straight in the eye”—and realize that often they are bigger in our own heads than they are in reality.

Finally, get prayed up.  I once heard Bishop TD Jakes say, "don't tell God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your God its." 

This IS your year and you CAN do it!