Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Can Failing be a Good Thing?

Check out the powerful video below! You may have seen it, I know I've run across it a few times as it's making its way around the internet. You can find it on You Tube as "The Best Motivational Video". I've seen it on friends' facebook pages and posted it myself. It beautifully captures some of life's greatest success stories at the point in those peoples' lives when they and others may have considered themselves to be failures. Imagine people like Michael Jordan, Abraham Lincoln and Walt Disney being thought of that way. Imagine if they had taken it to heart and not pressed on. "There is no failure except in no longer trying," as the quote from Elbert Hubbard goes; and as the end of the so-called "Best Motivational Video" says, "life=risk." Your mom probably told you...if at first you don't succeed, try try again. And she was right. If you're like so many of us, trying to re-invent yourself in this crazy economy, you're going to need to put yourself out there. And like a kid riding a bike without training wheels for the first time, you're probably going to fall down a few times. Maybe even many times. Just keep getting up. And always try to learn something from your failures and disappointments. I have heard it said, it's a mistake to suppose that people succeed through success; they often succeed through failures....or like the great inventor Thomas Edison said (who is also featured in the video because his teacher once told him he was too "stupid" to amount to much) "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Whether it's a failure, a disappointment, or just a struggle because of your circumstances. Don't give up....because tomorrow could be just they day that everything changes!


  1. Sandy, the first time I saw this I was speechless with a tear running down my cheek. It was at that moment that I KNEW I had to continue my journey! If people only knew that they have the tools to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!

  2. You are so right Marissa, people do need to know they have the tools...and be reminded they do so they can stay many discouraging things are going on everywhere today. I believe if we can stay motivated and encouraged, we can help others do the same! Thanks for reading my blog and posting a comment!

  3. I love the blog Sandy and the video is so inspiring. Many of us are doing things we have never done before. It's good to keep focused on the positive. Often the world kicks us when we're down, but we need to be like the donkey who fell in a well and everybody figured he was a goner so they started filling the well with dirt. After the initial shock and grief of what was happening to him, that old donkey shook off the dirt and used it to step up on. Instead of letting it bury him, he used it to boost him up and out of that well.

    Thanks for keeping us positive Sandy. I'm right behind you!

    Cheryl Davidson

  4. Thank you so much Cheryl for your comment. I LOVE that story about the donkey! It's a great illustration of how we can take something potentially devastating, turn it around and...well, come out on top! God Bless you!

