Saturday, December 18, 2010

Helping Us Get Healthy at Beaumont

Coordinator Women Exercising to Live Longer (WELL), Megan Donnelly
The American Heart Association's Go Red for Women "My Life Check Challenge Makeover" moved into its second phase for me with the wonderful staff at Beaumont Hospital and the Ministrelli Women's Heart Center. Almost a third of women die of heart disease and this deadly serious issue is addressed with such dedication at Beaumont. Today I went for my seven non-invasive tests to assess my situation (which they offer at for only $70).  I'll get my results soon, but it seems as though for me cholesterol is my greatest concern. Dr. Chinnaiyan and her team will help me with diet, exercise and stress. The doctor says stress reduction is imperative to health. This is so true, but so often left out of people's regimens. The holidays are so stressful for everyone and I am no exception. Like many of you, I am spinning extra plates right now and can't wait to learn and share stress reduction techniques. Of course, exercise is a great stress-reducer too! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you and welcome your comments!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Healthier for a Happier New Year

Today I had the honor of meeting some incredible women: health professionals, volunteers for the American Heart Association and other participants in the Go Red For Women "My Life Check Makeover Challenge".  Having worked with the American Heart Association before, I know how dedicated they are to stopping Heart Disease. It's the number one killer of women... but so much of it is within our control to stop or slow down. This morning we gathered at St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital to meet the amazing Dr. Crawford and some of her colleagues. Next week I'll get to meet a second group at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak.

The other participants and I with Dr. Crawford (Hand over the Heart!)

Both hospitals, along with the American Heart Association of Southeast Michigan, are supplying experts in Heart Health, Diet and Exercise to whip us into shape. We all face similar challenges, but the big monster in my closet is cholesterol. It's very high and I'm going to have a go at bringing it down with diet and exercise before doing medication.  In the end, medication may be necessary--but let's just see how far I can take it. I'll keep you posted on my progress here and on the American Heart Association's blog. (I'll share that with you soon!). In the meantime, if you want to see how you're doing with your health, check out what the AHA calls the simple 7 - Get Active, Manage Blood Pressure, Control Cholesterol, Eat Better, Lose Weight, Reduce Blood Sugar and Stop Smoking. You'll answer a few questions and get your score

Here's to a healthier 2011!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Instant Optimism: Challenges

"When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out."  ~ David Weatherford