Monday, December 28, 2009

New Years' Resolution Time Again? What you really need to do!

"In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves … self discipline with all of them came first." - Harry Truman.  

Great quote, don't you think?  And how pertinent to New Year's Resolutions. Yes, here we go again...but will 2010 be different?  Whether your resolution involves a habit (kicking a bad one or developing a good one), money, health, getting organized or anything else...there is one commonality. Harry nailed it, self discipline. It's not cool, sexy or fun--but it's what we all need to achieve our goals. We can't buy it, borrow it or wish for it...but we CAN get some help.  

1) People: Friends and family for encouragement or suggestions, professionals like doctors, trainers, financial advisers...pick your appropriate pro... for more hands-on assistance.   

2) Information. Can't pay a pro? the internet is full of FREE info, just google the subject you're looking for.There are websites, blogs, videos and all kinds of great information out there...of course don't fall for any scams or give anyone your personal information or credit card number!  Be discerning and use common sense. I know you will, but just thought I'd say it anyway.

3) Tools.  There are many. Some cheap, some expensive...smokers have plenty of options that they can get from their doctors.  There are a billion ways to get in shape from a treadmill, to a gym membership to  Wii FIT, to joining a local sports league, etc, etc... just some examples.

My point here is not to recommend anything in particular right now. In future blogs I may share what has worked for me and pass along some ideas (and I would love to hear yours!).  My point today is that we are back to self discipline. This is the key to using these tools and most importantly to motivate ourselves. Without that nothing happens.  We've all heard of (or maybe experienced) the treadmill that sits around and serves as a clothes rack. 

So here's wishing you (and me!) plenty of self discipline in the New Year!

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